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Unofficial COVID-19 Expansion

Cards Against Humanity Coronavirus Box
The CAH Coronavirus Box is a timely and contagiously fun addition to your custom deck. Compiled from an undistinguished mix of original cards, shamelessly stolen and furthermore uncredited cards from across the Internet, cards from the official Cards Against Humanity AI, and official cards from existing decks, this is the perfect deck to ride out the apocalypse on a wave of laughter and depression. Many of the existing cards have even been tweaked to fit your pandemic survival needs, and almost all are guaranteed to be obsolete within a year (we hope).
The CAH Coronavirus Box is NOT designed to be played on its own, and is intended to be mixed with the base deck and existing expansions for the full experience. The deck is designed from a United States perspective in line with the perspective of the base game's creators.
To add this deck to your online XYZZY game, copy-paste the following command into your room's chat box:
/addcardcast QX663
If you have a larger XYZZY base deck (5k white cards or more) and this pack's cards aren't showing up enough, use the duplicate version:
/addcardcast CZD7D
And now, the moment you've been reading for, the full list of included cards! See the comments for the black card list.
Edit: More cards are being added to the cardcast decks as this pandemic develops, including over 5 more black cards and over 40 more white cards not listed below.
$1,200 Trump Bucks.
20 tons of bat shit.
24-hour media coverage.
29 minutes of a rat-faced Englishman telling me sad facts.
400 of the required 30,000 ventilators.
50 mg of Zoloft daily.
A 3% mortality rate.
A 55-gallon drum of hand sanitizer.
A 7-hour decontamination bath.
A Catholic priest that actually respects boundaries for once.
A Zoom sext.
A bad time to be a libertarian.
A barn that's perfect for storing human bodies.
A bidet.
A bunker full of canned goods and ammunition.
A cloud of joylessness and aerosolized virus particles that slowly encompasses the earth.
A cold and indifferent universe.
A complete inability to understand anyone else's perspective.
A compromised immune system.
A cough and a sudden urge to travel.
A cure for Coronavirus.
A dark future full of troubles.
A dead guy.
A deserted stretch of highway.
A doctor shortage.
A dream team of our nation's greatest scientific minds and Mike Pence for some reason.
A father and son fighting each other over the last scrap of bread.
A freshly-sorority-less sorority girl.
A full pantry, a warm bed, and advanced plumbing.
A full-on panic attack.
A fun, sexy, fatal time at Miami Beach.
A funeral home dumpster that's unfortunately full.
A global pandemic.
A gnawing sense of dread.
A grandma-sized coffin.
A grocery store receipt that would suggest I am a single man who loves Cheetos and pooping.
A hazmat suit full of farts.
A hooker with a heart of gold and a severe case of COVID-19.
A lab mouse that simply refuses to die.
A law that allows factories to dump toxic waste into children's mouths.
A legitimate reason to commit suicide.
A liberal bias.
A life expectancy of five days.
A lifetime of sadness.
A living wage.
A lone tumbleweed silently drifting down a vacant city block.
A long Zoom meeting with no obvious purpose.
A long, hard day of not being able to find work.
A long, unforgiving quarantine.
A low standard of living.
A motherfucking flamethrower.
A never-ending homework load.
A night alone with the kids.
A nurse but he's a man.
A penny, a chip, and a used napkin.
A perfectly secluded lake-side cabin where I can ride this thing out in peace.
A plague unto our people.
A plentiful toilet paper that gives splinters called tree bark.
A poop emergency.
A possible Chinese person.
A president who is just as fat and stupid as I am.
A protracted siege.
A proud first responder.
A radical rethinking of employment-based healthcare.
A rat with Coronavirus and a little hat.
A real bitch of a situation.
A severe breach of the Hippocratic oath.
A short dance so you won't think about the pandemic for 10 minutes.
A single-payer healthcare system.
A slow death.
A sterile, joyless, bland existence.
A test kit.
A tired and emotional mother of three.
A toxic family environment.
A trillion-dollar stimulus package.
A vastly superior healthcare system.
A very dead baby.
A video of a naked woman telling me nice things so I can masturbate despite my stress levels.
A way to live that is stable and satisfying called ‘moving to Canada’.
A web of lies.
A zero-risk way to make $1,200 from home.
Absolute certainty that I don't have Coronavirus.
Accepting the way things are.
Accidentally broadcasting an NSFW video to 5,000 people.
Actually contributing to this household instead of just sitting on your lazy ass all day watching Gilmore Girls reruns.
Actually dying.
Adequate medical equipment.
Advocating for the deaths of 2.2 million Americans.
Alienating my family members.
All but like 12 Americans living in poverty.
All my dead hopes and dreams.
All my dead sisters.
All my friends dying.
All of us. At home all day. Staring at the walls. Looking for answers.
All the bacteria in a Chuck-E-Cheese.
All these dead bodies.
Allowing mother nature to do her thing.
America's crumbling healthcare system.
An Asian, I think.
An Italian meatball with the singular drive to kill.
An abandoned Kmart parking lot just before dawn.
An alternate universe in which Coronavirus has successfully eliminated all human life.
An angry, vengeful God.
An entrenched class system.
An especially moist handshake.
An extremely fast-acting and convenient way to die called Coronavirus.
An old guy who's almost dead.
An old man passing away on a gurney.
An old man who just died.
An old people's home with little or no old people left.
An older man.
An unexpected end to America’s school shooting epidemic.
An unfortunate parade of misery.
Andrew Cuomo.
Another shit hitting a fan situation.
Another shitty year.
Anything Asian.
Asians who aren't good at math.
Asking me to come over and fuck your husband and then I’m like, “no”. And you’re like, “why?” and I’m like, “haven’t you heard? We’re under quarantine.” And you’re like, “holy shit, what?” And I’m like, “yeah, it’s Coronavirus. It’s global now and killing everybody.” And you’re like, “good prank. How’d you know I’ve been technology free?” And I’m like, “Dianne, seriously, check the news.” And you’re like, “oh fuck. Fuck, you’re right. Oh God. It’s over. Humanity’s over.” And I’m like, “yeah.” And you’re like, “It’s horrible.” And I’m like, “Dianne?” And you’re like, “yes, Carol?” And I’m like, “do you still want me to fuck your husband?” And you’re like “yes, I would love for you to fuck my husband.” And then I sigh and come fuck your husband.
Ass eating.
Ass to mouth.
Asymptomatic spread.
Bad emotions I don't want.
Baffling incompetence.
Bearing with me as I learn how to use this new technology.
Becoming increasingly concerned.
Becoming sad forever.
Being Canadian.
Being a busy adult with many important things to do.
Being a little more appreciative.
Being a slave to the capitalist system.
Being blind but having super strength but having Coronavirus but being invisible.
Being chosen by God to die of Coronavirus.
Being horny and sad.
Being in a constant state of anxiety.
Being knowledgeable in a narrow domain that nobody understands or cares about, such as virology.
Being locked in a dog cage for a couple of days until we’re sure there’s no symptoms.
Being so sad all the time.
Being thankful your mom is alive and kicking.
Being too old for this shit.
Being totally out of touch with the rest of the world.
Being young and in love in New York City.
Being young and living in New York City.
Big Beefy baseball boys that are gone.
Big Italian women making the spicy sauce and dying of Coronavirus.
Big business, man.
Big pharma.
Big, smart money boys tap-tapping on their keyboards and tanking the stock market.
Bingeing and purging.
Bingo night!
Biochemical warfare.
Blaming the victim.
Blatant disregard of FDA regulations.
Blowing up a hospital.
Boarded up buildings.
Burying my only son.
Bustin' into tears.
Buying all the Chef Boyardee in order to survive.
Buying and returning clothes just to have someone to talk to.
Buying healthcare stock and laughing all the way to the bank.
Buying virtual clothes for a Sim family instead of real clothes for a real family.
Calculating the next masturbation window.
Calling mom because it's just really hard and I miss her and I don't know anyone here.
Calling out my own name and slapping my own ass.
Cards Against Humanity.
Casual dismissiveness.
Catching Coronavirus from an airport glory hole.
Catching Coronavirus.
Catching new and mysterious diseases from a dead bat.
Catching pneumonia and dying.
Ceasing to breathe.
Cheap cruise tickets.
Cheating at Solitaire like a fucking loser.
Child abuse.
Chinese people.
Civilian casualties.
Clearing a bloody path through Walmart with a scimitar to get the last box of Kleenex.
Clenched butt cheeks.
Closing my eyes for the last time.
Coaching the 7th grade girls' basketball team via Skype.
Collapsing in grief.
Collateralized debt obligations.
Colony collapse disorder.
Coming down with Coronavirus.
Complaining about all the world's problems to my ball python, Worm.
Completely unwarranted confidence.
Congress' flaccid penises withering away beneath their suit pants.
Conservative talking points.
Constant weeping.
Contaminating stuff.
Contracting Coronavirus.
Corona and lime.
Coronavirus patients.
Coronavirus positive.
Coronavirus, but it’s an old Armenian hooker named Anahit.
Coronavirus-related fatalities.
Coughing in people's faces.
Coughing on old people.
Coughing parties.
Coughing up a Cheez-It®.
Coughing up last night's blowjob.
Crippling debt.
Crouching in a corner for the rest of my life.
Crowdfunding my daughter's bone marrow transplant.
Cruising along just below the poverty line.
Crying about the dead baby.
Crying and masturbating and crying some more.
Crying and shitting and eating spaghetti.
Crying in the shower.
Crying into a bottle of peach schnapps.
Cutting health funding.
Daddy's belt.
Day drinking.
Dead parents.
Death on a scale that can only be described as "biblical".
Deceiving the American people.
Deciding who lives and who dies.
Defying health officials.
Delighting in the pain of others.
Descending into madness.
Desperately hurling insults at Donald Trump as he absorbs them into his rapidly-expanding body.
Dining with cardboard cutouts of the cast of "Friends".
Disrespecting the elderly.
Doing your civic duty: nothing.
Donald Trump's latest fucking thing.
Donald Trump's strange and narcissistic behavior.
Donning gas masks.
Downplaying the apocalypse.
Drinking a bottle and a half of cough syrup and going into shock on the bathroom floor.
Drinking alone.
Drinking away my dead son's college fund.
Drinking enough alcohol to enjoy life for a few hours.
Drinking one last beer with Grandma before she dies.
Drinking white wine, dancing around the living room, and yelling at my children.
Drive-thru liquor stores.
Driving to a Walmart parking lot and staring into the distance for eight hours.
Dropping dead.
Dropping like flies.
Dry cough, fever, tiredness, and difficulty breathing.
Dry heaving.
Dubious pseudoscientific nonsense.
Dying a virgin.
Dying alone and in pain.
Dying at 20.
Dying of Coronavirus.
Eating a fucking raw ass bat.
Eating a small dinner and then lying down again.
Eating alone in front of the television.
Eating bugs to survive.
Eating green vegetables and staying under 25.
Eating soup in the nude.
Emerging from the sea and rampaging through Tokyo.
Emotional unavailability.
Empty shelves.
Ending the world.
Endless fields of corpses.
Endless stress.
Enough idiots to cause a serious public health crisis.
Erratically explaining that some races are more responsible for the pandemic than others.
Even more money.
Everybody getting killed except for Kanye.
Exercise, if that's a thing.
Exposing the corrupting influence of money in politics.
Extra rations for my little girl.
Extracting the maximum amount of money from naive consumers.
Faith healing.
Fake news.
Falling over dead.
Family game night.
Father's cough.
Father's dying words.
Fear mongering.
Feeling like your whole world is collapsing.
Feeling the future is hopeless and there will be no world for our children.
Feeling unsafe.
Feeling what not having hope feels like.
Filing for unemployment.
Finally appreciating doctors.
Finally understanding agoraphobia.
Finding the strength to go on.
Five morons signing a lease together.
Flattening the curve.
Forcing a handjob on a dying man.
Forgetting everything you know about household cleaning products.
Forgetting to breathe and then dying.
Fox News.
Frantically writing spread rate equations on a chalkboard.
Freaking out and shit.
Free two-day shipping with Amazon Prime.
French fries that remind me of my dead father, who loved french fries.
Fresh Air with Terry Gross.
Fucking a corpse back to life.
Fucking my sister.
Fucking my wife.
Fucking over future generations.
Fucking up America's budget.
Full-on socialism.
Funding science.
Galloping around the hospital.
General unhappiness.
Generally having no idea what's going on.
Generational wealth.
Gently smothering an old man.
Genuine human connection.
Getting Coronavirus.
Getting Mommy another beer.
Getting back to work.
Getting bitten by a radioactive spider and catching Coronavirus from it.
Getting caught outside by the police and going to jail.
Getting depressed and super fat.
Getting down to business to defeat the virus.
Getting eaten out while on the phone with Dad.
Getting evicted.
Getting high with mom.
Getting laid off.
Getting the life-changing news that Grandma is alive and well.
Getting your ass ate.
Giving Coronavirus whatever it wants so it leaves us alone.
Giving Dad a call.
Giving a man a steak and sending him on his way.
Giving it a good scrub to make sure all the dirt is gone.
Giving one of those "microwave dinners" a whirl.
Giving up and going to Burger King.
Gluing dried macaroni to paper and mourning the loss of my son.
Going an entire day without masturbating.
Going cuckoo and drowning your kids in the bathtub.
Going inside at some point because of the pandemic.
Going into hiding.
Going outside and then remembering there’s danger and then going back inside.
Going outside.
Going too far with science and bad things happening.
Going viral.
Going with my gut and spending all my money on hand sanitizer.
Good ol' fashioned face-to-face conversation.
Grandma's big, beady eyes.
Grandma's toothless gums slapping together.
Grandpa's ashes.
Grandpa's frail, bony fingers.
Grandpa's shriveled body.
Guaranteed respiratory failure.
Gulping some hand sanitizer.
Having $57 in the bank.
Having a full-on mental breakdown.
Having a strong opinion about Obamacare.
Having a tummy ache.
Having difficulty coping with the death of a loved one.
Having fun, but not for very long.
Having no idea how to use an electric grill.
Having no idea what the fuck is going on.
Having the audacity to breathe.
Having to leave your family behind.
Helping the elderly.
Hoarding toilet paper like some kind of weak-rectumed dragon.
Holding Kyle's hand, just for a second.
Holding up the line at Walgreens by trying to use an expired coupon.
Hom Tanks.
Home video of Oprah sobbing into a Lean Cuisine®.
Homeless people.
Hospice care.
Hospitalizing thousands.
Hot doctors.
How boring the music has become.
How bright the sun is.
How cool it is to not have Coronavirus.
How cool it is to smoke cigarettes.
How horrible it is that people who have never experienced racism find ways to justify it.
How many Asians there are.
How nice Tom Hanks is in person.
How quiet the city is.
How sad it will be when Morgan Freeman catches Coronavirus.
However many old people we can afford to lose.
Huffing and puffing and succumbing to lung failure.
Human extinction.
Human lives.
Human trials.
Hungry, homeless college kids.
Hurting those closest to me.
Increasing economic and political polarization.
Indescribable loneliness.
Insider trading.
Insufficient serotonin.
Intense lung pain.
Ironically buying a trucker hat and then ironically being a trucker for 38 years.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Jerking it off-screen.
Joe Biden.
Just going for a walk around the park.
Just sobbing.
Just the overall current state of things.
Killing anyone who steps foot on my property.
Killing civilians to own the Libs.
Kissing grandma on the forehead and turning off her life support.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
Large groups.
Laying a lifetime of burdens on young children.
Leading a country to war on false pretenses.
Learning about new and exciting versions of reality within the confines of a re-education camp.
Letting Bernie Sanders rest his world-weary head on your lap.
Letting everyone down.
Letting everyone out of jail.
Letting pawpaw die.
Letting yourself go.
Licking everything and everyone.
Licking feet.
Licking the cake batter off of grandma's fingers.
Licking the toilet as Mistress commands.
Little Timmy's stubborn refusal to go outside.
Living by the sword and dying by Coronavirus.
Long-distance anal sex.
Losing a loved one to Fox News.
Losing grandma to Coronavirus.
Losing grandpa to Coronavirus.
Losing my son at 31.
Lying dead in the lobby of the doctor’s office.
Maintaining six feet of distance.
Making America great again.
Making Dad cry.
Making an example of this kindly old man here.
Making every possible mistake.
Many bats.
Mass graves.
Mass hysteria on a global scale.
Masturbating and crying and masturbating some more.
Masturbating to a porn star who's dead now.
Masturbating to my dead spouse's final voicemail message.
Mayhem, like me.
Me, an Asian man.
Men in ties talking all the time.
Moral bankruptcy.
More dead old people than I anticipated.
More soap!
Morphing into an ambulance.
My arsenal of maladaptive coping mechanisms.
My deepest condolences.
My frail, aging body.
My illegal stash of stolen N95 masks.
My lifeless corpse.
My little sister's deathbed confession.
My slowly draining sanity.
Naked Zoom night.
New York City.
Nodding solemnly, a vacant look in my eye, and acknowledging that we’re fucked.
Not only having dry heaves but also wet ones.
Not really caring about other people.
Not vaccinating my children.
Notifying next of kin.
One of those awesome lady nurses who understands your pain.
Only a very small number of survivors.
Only calling Mom to make sure she's ok.
Only caring about the short-term.
Only having 15 dollars to spend.
Only showering once a month.
Opening for business because we are a business.
Our capitalist overlords.
Our nation's darkest hour.
Our random and cruel universe.
Our shithole president.
Out-of-pocket expenses.
Paid leave.
Perhaps the end of the human race.
Plague masks.
Planning my child's funeral.
Playing Cards Against Humanity until we're in physical pain.
Playing doctor.
Playing truth or dare with the kids.
Politicizing a tragedy.
Pooping in the shower and waffle stomping it down the drain.
Poorly-timed ventilator shortages.
Praying the virus away.
Pretending I'm a doctor.
Pretending the Prozac is helping.
Pretending to be informed.
Prioritizing stoking racial tensions over the dissemination of accurate and life-saving information.
Putting poop back where it came from because we all know the cost of toilet paper these days.
Putting the elderly out of their misery.
Putting up with shit from your boss, but now it’s on Zoom.
Putting you out of your misery.
Rampant fear and doubt.
Realizing it’s time for a divorce.
Realizing most of your social life consists of going out and spending money with people you hate.
Really fucking bad news.
Really putting a damper on things.
Refusing to believe that I am racist.
Repeating history.
Repopulating the earth.
Restarting the economy.
Rethinking this whole ‘Capitalism’ thing.
Riding out the rest of existence in the sweet embrace of inanimate nothingness.
Risking one’s life for a pack of Oreos.
Rubbing pot roast on the screen door while my son licks it from the other side to avoid contact.
Rudy Giuliani's unfathomable incompetence.
Running out of toilet paper.
Running up to various homeless people and screaming "go home".
Sacrificing Grandma to the Dow Jones.
Scoring cheap political points at the expense of the oppressed.
Screaming at the sky that this isn't real, that this isn't happening, that I need to wake up.
Screaming into the void.
Screaming through the phone at my piece of shit kid while trying to buy 98 things in the Walmart express lane.
Scrubbing my hands until they’re squeaky-clean.
Shooting the first person who coughs.
Sighing in disapproval at the mention of China.
Sitting alone eating a kumquat.
Sitting in the agonizing comfort of your own home.
Sitting on Earth's largest couch.
Sitting on my son's bed thinking, "I could kill him".
Slowly going extinct.
Slowly reaching the limit of my tolerance.
Smiling half-heartedly.
Smothering the globe in soap bubbles.
So much winning.
Social distancing.
Social interaction.
Some dude with a ponytail who talks about bureaucracy.
Some guy who isn't funny named Anthony Fauci.
Some pretty hardcore themes for a furniture commercial.
Soul-crushing silence.
Spending quality time at home with what remains of my family.
Spluttering and convulsing.
Spreading Communism to all who will listen.
Spreading undetected through the population.
Staring at a wall for a full eight hours.
Starting to get the hang of this whole "lawn care" thing.
Staying home every night, downloading increasingly shameful pornography.
Staying indoors.
Staying the fuck inside!
Steak night!
Sticking with Trump through it all.
Still being alive, I guess.
Still being on the fence about if I should have sex or not.
Stoking the flames of racism.
Stopping the spread of Coronavirus.
Storing nuts in my mouth for the next six months of quarantine.
Stress-eating 15 jars of Nutella®.
Succumbing to Coronavirus.
Sudden death!
Suddenly becoming a socialist.
Suspiciously Asian noodles.
Taking my first dick in forever.
Taking this time appreciate one another and reevaluate our lives.
Tearfully masturbating to reruns of "The Daily Show".
Telling Dad I love him.
Telling Grandma where I plan to bury her.
Telling a dying man to "get back to work".
Telling your partner you love him but you can't have sex with him right now.
Temporary socialism.
Testing negative.
Testing positive.
That hot uncle you never get to see anymore.
That time Dad was diagnosed with Coronavirus and died.
That wedding dress I never wore because the world ended.
The .01% of bacteria Lysol® is powerless to stop.
The CDC.
The Chinese Virus.
The Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.
The Democrat’s greatest hoax: Coronavirus.
The Flu.
The New York stock exchange.
The SARS that took little Eustace this autumn past.
The Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918.
The Wuhan Flu.
The amount of poop one can produce in a day.
The apocalypse.
The bread lines.
The cobwebs in my vagina.
The cold, hard truth that death is near.
The comforting presence of a dog.
The darkened times after the fall of man when the birds chirp no more.
The days of yore.
The economy.
The elderly.
The end of America, at the very least.
The end of civilization.
The federal response to Coronavirus.
The feds.
The freak from that math problem who bought 42 watermelons but turned out to have the right idea.
The horror and confusion of watching Donald Trump do something right.
The hospital.
The human body.
The illusion of choice in a late-stage capitalist society.
The impending collapse of the middle class.
The impending deaths of millions of your fellow humans.
The importance of having fun.
The innate desire to drink alone.
The morbidly obese.
The morose marathon that is life.
The mouth area.
The novel Coronavirus.
The peaceful and nonthreatening rise of China.
The physical imperfection of an old man.
The piked skull of the last person who dared come within six feet of me.
The privilege of existing.
The profoundly handicapped.
The promise of a better tomorrow.
The pure joy of a dog whose parents are always home.
The rapidly shifting political landscape we face today.
The real pillars of society.
The reality that we're all going to die, and there will be no one to remember our stories.
The sadness that I feel.
The scientific process.
The second-best hospital in the area.
The shocking stupidity of the American public.
The struggle.
The survivors of President Trump's first term in office.
The three billion people living in extreme poverty.
The total collapse of the global financial system.
The truth.
The ungodly feats of efficiency that can be achieved when the rich fear consequences.
The untimely demise of my Italian trophy wife, Angelina.
The vacant streets and clear skies of Los Angeles.
The violation of our most basic human rights.
The wonders of science!
The wonders of the Orient.
The worst pain imaginable. Times two!
The wrath of God.
The wrong week to quit drinking.
There being too many people around to reasonably get naked.
These kleptomaniacal rich men who run our government.
Thinking about conserving food and then eating six cans of ravioli.
This almost-safe cruise ship.
This box I live in.
This cup in which I'm going to need a urine sample from you.
This dead body I found.
This disaster that nobody could have predicted except every health official and data-driven simulations.
This old lady next to me who won't stop coughing.
Those who survive.
Thoughts and prayers.
Three consecutive seconds of happiness.
Three months in the hole.
Throwing a tantrum and telling everyone not to touch you anymore.
Toilet paper. Anti-vaxxers.
Tolerating my family.
Tonic and gin.
Toppling large governments.
Total fucking chaos.
Totally ignorant and delusional opinions.
Totally ignoring your father's death wishes.
Totally ineffective political satire.
Totally unlearning all the baseball skills.
Touching all the microphones.
Touching everything.
Trillions of taxpayer dollars down the drain!
Trying to keep it together.
Trying to maintain some semblance of civility.
Trying to pass the time by painting a picture.
Trying to wake up from this nightmare.
Turning 32.
Turning poor people against each other so they don't pay attention to economic inequality.
Tweaking my nipples a little before breaking down and crying.
Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart because there’s a global pandemic.
Two cancelled tickets to "Hamilton".
Two hours on PornHub.
Two young lovers with nothing better to do.
Underestimating the stupidity of the average American.
Unfathomable stupidity.
Unnecessarily sensual Zoom messages.
Ushering in the apocalypse.
Using a FitBit to masturbate for 2 miles.
Using a Smucker's Uncrustable™ as a maxi pad.
Vigilante justice.
Voter suppression.
War with China.
Wearing glasses and sounding smart.
Weeding out the old and sick.
Well-deserved Coronavirus.
What Dad has to say about Chinese people.
Whatever is necessary to make life satisfactory.
When I choke and choke and choke.
When government loses control.
Whichever one of you took a shit in the shower.
Whipping lower-class white men into a xenophobic frenzy.
Whiskey to calm my nerves.
Wifely duties.
Winking at old people.
Wiping down every surface.
Witnessing the decline of every industry.
Wondering if it's possible to get some of that salsa to go.
Wondering why white people love baseball so much.
Working from home.
Wrapping myself in a blanket and making a me burrito.
Wuhan, China.
Xi Jinping.
Yet another racist tweet.
Young students full of online education and debt.
Your corpse.
Your enduring love and support.
Your mother calling and saying she's had enough.
submitted by BOBULANCE to cahideas [link] [comments]

Unofficial COVID-19 Expansion

**\*Cards Against Humanity Coronavirus Box\***

The CAH Coronavirus Box is a timely and contagiously fun addition to your custom deck. Compiled from an undistinguished mix of original cards, shamelessly stolen and furthermore uncredited cards from across the Internet, cards from the official Cards Against Humanity AI, and official cards from existing decks, this is the perfect deck to ride out the apocalypse on a wave of laughter and depression. Many of the existing cards have even been tweaked to fit your pandemic survival needs, and almost all are guaranteed to be obsolete within a year (we hope).

The CAH Coronavirus Box is NOT designed to be played on its own, and is intended to be mixed with the base deck and existing expansions for the full experience. The deck is designed from a United States perspective in line with the perspective of the base game's creators.

To add this deck to your online XYZZY game, copy-paste the following command into your room's chat box:

/addcardcast EPU2Z

If you have a larger XYZZY base deck (5k white cards or more) and this pack's cards aren't showing up enough, use the duplicate version:

/addcardcast J7BUF

And now, the moment you've been reading for, the full list of included cards! See the comments for the black card list.

$1,200 Trump Bucks.
20 tons of bat shit.
24-hour media coverage.
29 minutes of a rat-faced Englishman telling me sad facts.
400 of the required 30,000 ventilators.
50 mg of Zoloft daily.
A 3% mortality rate.
A 55-gallon drum of hand sanitizer.
A 7-hour decontamination bath.
A Catholic priest that actually respects boundaries for once.
A Zoom sext.
A bad time to be a libertarian.
A barn that's perfect for storing human bodies.
A bidet.
A bunker full of canned goods and ammunition.
A cloud of joylessness and aerosolized virus particles that slowly encompasses the earth.
A cold and indifferent universe.
A complete inability to understand anyone else's perspective.
A compromised immune system.
A cough and a sudden urge to travel.
A cure for Coronavirus.
A dark future full of troubles.
A dead guy.
A deserted stretch of highway.
A doctor shortage.
A dream team of our nation's greatest scientific minds and Mike Pence for some reason.
A father and son fighting each other over the last scrap of bread.
A freshly-sorority-less sorority girl.
A full pantry, a warm bed, and advanced plumbing.
A full-on panic attack.
A fun, sexy, fatal time at Miami Beach.
A funeral home dumpster that's unfortunately full.
A global pandemic.
A gnawing sense of dread.
A grandma-sized coffin.
A grocery store receipt that would suggest I am a single man who loves Cheetos and pooping.
A hazmat suit full of farts.
A hooker with a heart of gold and a severe case of COVID-19.
A lab mouse that simply refuses to die.
A law that allows factories to dump toxic waste into children's mouths.
A legitimate reason to commit suicide.
A liberal bias.
A life expectancy of five days.
A lifetime of sadness.
A living wage.
A lone tumbleweed silently drifting down a vacant city block.
A long Zoom meeting with no obvious purpose.
A long, hard day of not being able to find work.
A long, unforgiving quarantine.
A low standard of living.
A motherfucking flamethrower.
A never-ending homework load.
A night alone with the kids.
A nurse but he's a man.
A penny, a chip, and a used napkin.
A perfectly secluded lake-side cabin where I can ride this thing out in peace.
A plague unto our people.
A plentiful toilet paper that gives splinters called tree bark.
A poop emergency.
A possible Chinese person.
A president who is just as fat and stupid as I am.
A protracted siege.
A proud first responder.
A radical rethinking of employment-based healthcare.
A rat with Coronavirus and a little hat.
A real bitch of a situation.
A severe breach of the Hippocratic oath.
A short dance so you won't think about the pandemic for 10 minutes.
A single-payer healthcare system.
A slow death.
A sterile, joyless, bland existence.
A test kit.
A tired and emotional mother of three.
A toxic family environment.
A trillion-dollar stimulus package.
A vastly superior healthcare system.
A very dead baby.
A video of a naked woman telling me nice things so I can masturbate despite my stress levels.
A way to live that is stable and satisfying called ‘moving to Canada’.
A web of lies.
A zero-risk way to make $1,200 from home.
Absolute certainty that I don't have Coronavirus.
Accepting the way things are.
Accidentally broadcasting an NSFW video to 5,000 people.
Actually contributing to this household instead of just sitting on your lazy ass all day watching Gilmore Girls reruns.
Actually dying.
Adequate medical equipment.
Advocating for the deaths of 2.2 million Americans.
Alienating my family members.
All but like 12 Americans living in poverty.
All my dead hopes and dreams.
All my dead sisters.
All my friends dying.
All of us. At home all day. Staring at the walls. Looking for answers.
All the bacteria in a Chuck-E-Cheese.
All these dead bodies.
Allowing mother nature to do her thing.
America's crumbling healthcare system.
An Asian, I think.
An Italian meatball with the singular drive to kill.
An abandoned Kmart parking lot just before dawn.
An alternate universe in which Coronavirus has successfully eliminated all human life.
An angry, vengeful God.
An entrenched class system.
An especially moist handshake.
An extremely fast-acting and convenient way to die called Coronavirus.
An old guy who's almost dead.
An old man passing away on a gurney.
An old man who just died.
An old people's home with little or no old people left.
An older man.
An unexpected end to America’s school shooting epidemic.
An unfortunate parade of misery.
Andrew Cuomo.
Another shit hitting a fan situation.
Another shitty year.
Anything Asian.
Asians who aren't good at math.
Asking me to come over and fuck your husband and then I’m like, “no”. And you’re like, “why?” and I’m like, “haven’t you heard? We’re under quarantine.” And you’re like, “holy shit, what?” And I’m like, “yeah, it’s Coronavirus. It’s global now and killing everybody.” And you’re like, “good prank. How’d you know I’ve been technology free?” And I’m like, “Dianne, seriously, check the news.” And you’re like, “oh fuck. Fuck, you’re right. Oh God. It’s over. Humanity’s over.” And I’m like, “yeah.” And you’re like, “It’s horrible.” And I’m like, “Dianne?” And you’re like, “yes, Carol?” And I’m like, “do you still want me to fuck your husband?” And you’re like “yes, I would love for you to fuck my husband.” And then I sigh and come fuck your husband.
Ass eating.
Ass to mouth.
Asymptomatic spread.
Bad emotions I don't want.
Baffling incompetence.
Bearing with me as I learn how to use this new technology.
Becoming increasingly concerned.
Becoming sad forever.
Being Canadian.
Being a busy adult with many important things to do.
Being a little more appreciative.
Being a slave to the capitalist system.
Being blind but having super strength but having Coronavirus but being invisible.
Being chosen by God to die of Coronavirus.
Being horny and sad.
Being in a constant state of anxiety.
Being knowledgeable in a narrow domain that nobody understands or cares about, such as virology.
Being locked in a dog cage for a couple of days until we’re sure there’s no symptoms.
Being so sad all the time.
Being thankful your mom is alive and kicking.
Being too old for this shit.
Being totally out of touch with the rest of the world.
Being young and in love in New York City.
Being young and living in New York City.
Big Beefy baseball boys that are gone.
Big Italian women making the spicy sauce and dying of Coronavirus.
Big business, man.
Big pharma.
Big, smart money boys tap-tapping on their keyboards and tanking the stock market.
Bingeing and purging.
Bingo night!
Biochemical warfare.
Blaming the victim.
Blatant disregard of FDA regulations.
Blowing up a hospital.
Boarded up buildings.
Burying my only son.
Bustin' into tears.
Buying all the Chef Boyardee in order to survive.
Buying and returning clothes just to have someone to talk to.
Buying healthcare stock and laughing all the way to the bank.
Buying virtual clothes for a Sim family instead of real clothes for a real family.
Calculating the next masturbation window.
Calling mom because it's just really hard and I miss her and I don't know anyone here.
Calling out my own name and slapping my own ass.
Cards Against Humanity.
Casual dismissiveness.
Catching Coronavirus from an airport glory hole.
Catching Coronavirus.
Catching new and mysterious diseases from a dead bat.
Catching pneumonia and dying.
Ceasing to breathe.
Cheap cruise tickets.
Cheating at Solitaire like a fucking loser.
Child abuse.
Chinese people.
Civilian casualties.
Clearing a bloody path through Walmart with a scimitar to get the last box of Kleenex.
Clenched butt cheeks.
Closing my eyes for the last time.
Coaching the 7th grade girls' basketball team via Skype.
Collapsing in grief.
Collateralized debt obligations.
Colony collapse disorder.
Coming down with Coronavirus.
Complaining about all the world's problems to my ball python, Worm.
Completely unwarranted confidence.
Congress' flaccid penises withering away beneath their suit pants.
Conservative talking points.
Constant weeping.
Contaminating stuff.
Contracting Coronavirus.
Corona and lime.
Coronavirus patients.
Coronavirus positive.
Coronavirus, but it’s an old Armenian hooker named Anahit.
Coronavirus-related fatalities.
Coughing in people's faces.
Coughing on old people.
Coughing parties.
Coughing up a Cheez-It®.
Coughing up last night's blowjob.
Crippling debt.
Crouching in a corner for the rest of my life.
Crowdfunding my daughter's bone marrow transplant.
Cruising along just below the poverty line.
Crying about the dead baby.
Crying and masturbating and crying some more.
Crying and shitting and eating spaghetti.
Crying in the shower.
Crying into a bottle of peach schnapps.
Cutting health funding.
Daddy's belt.
Day drinking.
Dead parents.
Death on a scale that can only be described as "biblical".
Deceiving the American people.
Deciding who lives and who dies.
Defying health officials.
Delighting in the pain of others.
Descending into madness.
Desperately hurling insults at Donald Trump as he absorbs them into his rapidly-expanding body.
Dining with cardboard cutouts of the cast of "Friends".
Disrespecting the elderly.
Doing your civic duty: nothing.
Donald Trump's latest fucking thing.
Donald Trump's strange and narcissistic behavior.
Donning gas masks.
Downplaying the apocalypse.
Drinking a bottle and a half of cough syrup and going into shock on the bathroom floor.
Drinking alone.
Drinking away my dead son's college fund.
Drinking enough alcohol to enjoy life for a few hours.
Drinking one last beer with Grandma before she dies.
Drinking white wine, dancing around the living room, and yelling at my children.
Drive-thru liquor stores.
Driving to a Walmart parking lot and staring into the distance for eight hours.
Dropping dead.
Dropping like flies.
Dry cough, fever, tiredness, and difficulty breathing.
Dry heaving.
Dubious pseudoscientific nonsense.
Dying a virgin.
Dying alone and in pain.
Dying at 20.
Dying of Coronavirus.
Eating a fucking raw ass bat.
Eating a small dinner and then lying down again.
Eating alone in front of the television.
Eating bugs to survive.
Eating green vegetables and staying under 25.
Eating soup in the nude.
Emerging from the sea and rampaging through Tokyo.
Emotional unavailability.
Empty shelves.
Ending the world.
Endless fields of corpses.
Endless stress.
Enough idiots to cause a serious public health crisis.
Erratically explaining that some races are more responsible for the pandemic than others.
Even more money.
Everybody getting killed except for Kanye.
Exercise, if that's a thing.
Exposing the corrupting influence of money in politics.
Extra rations for my little girl.
Extracting the maximum amount of money from naive consumers.
Faith healing.
Fake news.
Falling over dead.
Family game night.
Father's cough.
Father's dying words.
Fear mongering.
Feeling like your whole world is collapsing.
Feeling the future is hopeless and there will be no world for our children.
Feeling unsafe.
Feeling what not having hope feels like.
Filing for unemployment.
Finally appreciating doctors.
Finally understanding agoraphobia.
Finding the strength to go on.
Five morons signing a lease together.
Flattening the curve.
Forcing a handjob on a dying man.
Forgetting everything you know about household cleaning products.
Forgetting to breathe and then dying.
Fox News.
Frantically writing spread rate equations on a chalkboard.
Freaking out and shit.
Free two-day shipping with Amazon Prime.
French fries that remind me of my dead father, who loved french fries.
Fresh Air with Terry Gross.
Fucking a corpse back to life.
Fucking my sister.
Fucking my wife.
Fucking over future generations.
Fucking up America's budget.
Full-on socialism.
Funding science.
Galloping around the hospital.
General unhappiness.
Generally having no idea what's going on.
Generational wealth.
Gently smothering an old man.
Genuine human connection.
Getting Coronavirus.
Getting Mommy another beer.
Getting back to work.
Getting bitten by a radioactive spider and catching Coronavirus from it.
Getting caught outside by the police and going to jail.
Getting depressed and super fat.
Getting down to business to defeat the virus.
Getting eaten out while on the phone with Dad.
Getting evicted.
Getting high with mom.
Getting laid off.
Getting the life-changing news that Grandma is alive and well.
Getting your ass ate.
Giving Coronavirus whatever it wants so it leaves us alone.
Giving Dad a call.
Giving a man a steak and sending him on his way.
Giving it a good scrub to make sure all the dirt is gone.
Giving one of those "microwave dinners" a whirl.
Giving up and going to Burger King.
Gluing dried macaroni to paper and mourning the loss of my son.
Going an entire day without masturbating.
Going cuckoo and drowning your kids in the bathtub.
Going inside at some point because of the pandemic.
Going into hiding.
Going outside and then remembering there’s danger and then going back inside.
Going outside.
Going too far with science and bad things happening.
Going viral.
Going with my gut and spending all my money on hand sanitizer.
Good ol' fashioned face-to-face conversation.
Grandma's big, beady eyes.
Grandma's toothless gums slapping together.
Grandpa's ashes.
Grandpa's frail, bony fingers.
Grandpa's shriveled body.
Guaranteed respiratory failure.
Gulping some hand sanitizer.
Having $57 in the bank.
Having a full-on mental breakdown.
Having a strong opinion about Obamacare.
Having a tummy ache.
Having difficulty coping with the death of a loved one.
Having fun, but not for very long.
Having no idea how to use an electric grill.
Having no idea what the fuck is going on.
Having the audacity to breathe.
Having to leave your family behind.
Helping the elderly.
Hoarding toilet paper like some kind of weak-rectumed dragon.
Holding Kyle's hand, just for a second.
Holding up the line at Walgreens by trying to use an expired coupon.
Hom Tanks.
Home video of Oprah sobbing into a Lean Cuisine®.
Homeless people.
Hospice care.
Hospitalizing thousands.
Hot doctors.
How boring the music has become.
How bright the sun is.
How cool it is to not have Coronavirus.
How cool it is to smoke cigarettes.
How horrible it is that people who have never experienced racism find ways to justify it.
How many Asians there are.
How nice Tom Hanks is in person.
How quiet the city is.
How sad it will be when Morgan Freeman catches Coronavirus.
However many old people we can afford to lose.
Huffing and puffing and succumbing to lung failure.
Human extinction.
Human lives.
Human trials.
Hungry, homeless college kids.
Hurting those closest to me.
Increasing economic and political polarization.
Indescribable loneliness.
Insider trading.
Insufficient serotonin.
Intense lung pain.
Ironically buying a trucker hat and then ironically being a trucker for 38 years.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Jerking it off-screen.
Joe Biden.
Just going for a walk around the park.
Just sobbing.
Just the overall current state of things.
Killing anyone who steps foot on my property.
Killing civilians to own the Libs.
Kissing grandma on the forehead and turning off her life support.
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts.
Large groups.
Laying a lifetime of burdens on young children.
Leading a country to war on false pretenses.
Learning about new and exciting versions of reality within the confines of a re-education camp.
Letting Bernie Sanders rest his world-weary head on your lap.
Letting everyone down.
Letting everyone out of jail.
Letting pawpaw die.
Letting yourself go.
Licking everything and everyone.
Licking feet.
Licking the cake batter off of grandma's fingers.
Licking the toilet as Mistress commands.
Little Timmy's stubborn refusal to go outside.
Living by the sword and dying by Coronavirus.
Long-distance anal sex.
Losing a loved one to Fox News.
Losing grandma to Coronavirus.
Losing grandpa to Coronavirus.
Losing my son at 31.
Lying dead in the lobby of the doctor’s office.
Maintaining six feet of distance.
Making America great again.
Making Dad cry.
Making an example of this kindly old man here.
Making every possible mistake.
Many bats.
Mass graves.
Mass hysteria on a global scale.
Masturbating and crying and masturbating some more.
Masturbating to a porn star who's dead now.
Masturbating to my dead spouse's final voicemail message.
Mayhem, like me.
Me, an Asian man.
Men in ties talking all the time.
Moral bankruptcy.
More dead old people than I anticipated.
More soap!
Morphing into an ambulance.
My arsenal of maladaptive coping mechanisms.
My deepest condolences.
My frail, aging body.
My illegal stash of stolen N95 masks.
My lifeless corpse.
My little sister's deathbed confession.
My slowly draining sanity.
Naked Zoom night.
New York City.
Nodding solemnly, a vacant look in my eye, and acknowledging that we’re fucked.
Not only having dry heaves but also wet ones.
Not really caring about other people.
Not vaccinating my children.
Notifying next of kin.
One of those awesome lady nurses who understands your pain.
Only a very small number of survivors.
Only calling Mom to make sure she's ok.
Only caring about the short-term.
Only having 15 dollars to spend.
Only showering once a month.
Opening for business because we are a business.
Our capitalist overlords.
Our nation's darkest hour.
Our random and cruel universe.
Our shithole president.
Out-of-pocket expenses.
Paid leave.
Perhaps the end of the human race.
Plague masks.
Planning my child's funeral.
Playing Cards Against Humanity until we're in physical pain.
Playing doctor.
Playing truth or dare with the kids.
Politicizing a tragedy.
Pooping in the shower and waffle stomping it down the drain.
Poorly-timed ventilator shortages.
Praying the virus away.
Pretending I'm a doctor.
Pretending the Prozac is helping.
Pretending to be informed.
Prioritizing stoking racial tensions over the dissemination of accurate and life-saving information.
Putting poop back where it came from because we all know the cost of toilet paper these days.
Putting the elderly out of their misery.
Putting up with shit from your boss, but now it’s on Zoom.
Putting you out of your misery.
Rampant fear and doubt.
Realizing it’s time for a divorce.
Realizing most of your social life consists of going out and spending money with people you hate.
Really fucking bad news.
Really putting a damper on things.
Refusing to believe that I am racist.
Repeating history.
Repopulating the earth.
Restarting the economy.
Rethinking this whole ‘Capitalism’ thing.
Riding out the rest of existence in the sweet embrace of inanimate nothingness.
Risking one’s life for a pack of Oreos.
Rubbing pot roast on the screen door while my son licks it from the other side to avoid contact.
Rudy Giuliani's unfathomable incompetence.
Running out of toilet paper.
Running up to various homeless people and screaming "go home".
Sacrificing Grandma to the Dow Jones.
Scoring cheap political points at the expense of the oppressed.
Screaming at the sky that this isn't real, that this isn't happening, that I need to wake up.
Screaming into the void.
Screaming through the phone at my piece of shit kid while trying to buy 98 things in the Walmart express lane.
Scrubbing my hands until they’re squeaky-clean.
Shooting the first person who coughs.
Sighing in disapproval at the mention of China.
Sitting alone eating a kumquat.
Sitting in the agonizing comfort of your own home.
Sitting on Earth's largest couch.
Sitting on my son's bed thinking, "I could kill him".
Slowly going extinct.
Slowly reaching the limit of my tolerance.
Smiling half-heartedly.
Smothering the globe in soap bubbles.
So much winning.
Social distancing.
Social interaction.
Some dude with a ponytail who talks about bureaucracy.
Some guy who isn't funny named Anthony Fauci.
Some pretty hardcore themes for a furniture commercial.
Soul-crushing silence.
Spending quality time at home with what remains of my family.
Spluttering and convulsing.
Spreading Communism to all who will listen.
Spreading undetected through the population.
Staring at a wall for a full eight hours.
Starting to get the hang of this whole "lawn care" thing.
Staying home every night, downloading increasingly shameful pornography.
Staying indoors.
Staying the fuck inside!
Steak night!
Sticking with Trump through it all.
Still being alive, I guess.
Still being on the fence about if I should have sex or not.
Stoking the flames of racism.
Stopping the spread of Coronavirus.
Storing nuts in my mouth for the next six months of quarantine.
Stress-eating 15 jars of Nutella®.
Succumbing to Coronavirus.
Sudden death!
Suddenly becoming a socialist.
Suspiciously Asian noodles.
Taking my first dick in forever.
Taking this time appreciate one another and reevaluate our lives.
Tearfully masturbating to reruns of "The Daily Show".
Telling Dad I love him.
Telling Grandma where I plan to bury her.
Telling a dying man to "get back to work".
Telling your partner you love him but you can't have sex with him right now.
Temporary socialism.
Testing negative.
Testing positive.
That hot uncle you never get to see anymore.
That time Dad was diagnosed with Coronavirus and died.
That wedding dress I never wore because the world ended.
The .01% of bacteria Lysol® is powerless to stop.
The CDC.
The Chinese Virus.
The Ching-Chong Ding-Dong Foundation for Sensitivity to Orientals or Whatever.
The Democrat’s greatest hoax: Coronavirus.
The Flu.
The New York stock exchange.
The SARS that took little Eustace this autumn past.
The Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918.
The Wuhan Flu.
The amount of poop one can produce in a day.
The apocalypse.
The bread lines.
The cobwebs in my vagina.
The cold, hard truth that death is near.
The comforting presence of a dog.
The darkened times after the fall of man when the birds chirp no more.
The days of yore.
The economy.
The elderly.
The end of America, at the very least.
The end of civilization.
The federal response to Coronavirus.
The feds.
The freak from that math problem who bought 42 watermelons but turned out to have the right idea.
The horror and confusion of watching Donald Trump do something right.
The hospital.
The human body.
The illusion of choice in a late-stage capitalist society.
The impending collapse of the middle class.
The impending deaths of millions of your fellow humans.
The importance of having fun.
The innate desire to drink alone.
The morbidly obese.
The morose marathon that is life.
The mouth area.
The novel Coronavirus.
The peaceful and nonthreatening rise of China.
The physical imperfection of an old man.
The piked skull of the last person who dared come within six feet of me.
The privilege of existing.
The profoundly handicapped.
The promise of a better tomorrow.
The pure joy of a dog whose parents are always home.
The rapidly shifting political landscape we face today.
The real pillars of society.
The reality that we're all going to die, and there will be no one to remember our stories.
The sadness that I feel.
The scientific process.
The second-best hospital in the area.
The shocking stupidity of the American public.
The struggle.
The survivors of President Trump's first term in office.
The three billion people living in extreme poverty.
The total collapse of the global financial system.
The truth.
The ungodly feats of efficiency that can be achieved when the rich fear consequences.
The untimely demise of my Italian trophy wife, Angelina.
The vacant streets and clear skies of Los Angeles.
The violation of our most basic human rights.
The wonders of science!
The wonders of the Orient.
The worst pain imaginable. Times two!
The wrath of God.
The wrong week to quit drinking.
There being too many people around to reasonably get naked.
These kleptomaniacal rich men who run our government.
Thinking about conserving food and then eating six cans of ravioli.
This almost-safe cruise ship.
This box I live in.
This cup in which I'm going to need a urine sample from you.
This dead body I found.
This disaster that nobody could have predicted except every health official and data-driven simulations.
This old lady next to me who won't stop coughing.
Those who survive.
Thoughts and prayers.
Three consecutive seconds of happiness.
Three months in the hole.
Throwing a tantrum and telling everyone not to touch you anymore.
Toilet paper. Anti-vaxxers.
Tolerating my family.
Tonic and gin.
Toppling large governments.
Total fucking chaos.
Totally ignorant and delusional opinions.
Totally ignoring your father's death wishes.
Totally ineffective political satire.
Totally unlearning all the baseball skills.
Touching all the microphones.
Touching everything.
Trillions of taxpayer dollars down the drain!
Trying to keep it together.
Trying to maintain some semblance of civility.
Trying to pass the time by painting a picture.
Trying to wake up from this nightmare.
Turning 32.
Turning poor people against each other so they don't pay attention to economic inequality.
Tweaking my nipples a little before breaking down and crying.
Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet apart because there’s a global pandemic.
Two cancelled tickets to "Hamilton".
Two hours on PornHub.
Two young lovers with nothing better to do.
Underestimating the stupidity of the average American.
Unfathomable stupidity.
Unnecessarily sensual Zoom messages.
Ushering in the apocalypse.
Using a FitBit to masturbate for 2 miles.
Using a Smucker's Uncrustable™ as a maxi pad.
Vigilante justice.
Voter suppression.
War with China.
Wearing glasses and sounding smart.
Weeding out the old and sick.
Well-deserved Coronavirus.
What Dad has to say about Chinese people.
Whatever is necessary to make life satisfactory.
When I choke and choke and choke.
When government loses control.
Whichever one of you took a shit in the shower.
Whipping lower-class white men into a xenophobic frenzy.
Whiskey to calm my nerves.
Wifely duties.
Winking at old people.
Wiping down every surface.
Witnessing the decline of every industry.
Wondering if it's possible to get some of that salsa to go.
Wondering why white people love baseball so much.
Working from home.
Wrapping myself in a blanket and making a me burrito.
Wuhan, China.
Xi Jinping.
Yet another racist tweet.
Young students full of online education and debt.
Your corpse.
Your enduring love and support.
Your mother calling and saying she's had enough.
submitted by BOBULANCE to cardsagainsthumanity [link] [comments]

I'm looking for a Roomba

Just moved on to the island last week and I'm getting odds and ends for the apartment. Wanted to pick up a roomba since I have almost entirely uncarpeted floors. Anyone know who on the island has them?
Also looking for a decent furniture store where I can get a little end table and some shelving. Not liking what I see at KMart.
submitted by I_Am_The_Mole to guam [link] [comments]

Re-locating: Furniture for sale

Hi guys! I am posting a behalf of my mom, who is currently living in OKC but will be relocating to Phoenix, AZ in the next month or so. She doesn't have much room in her new place, so she is looking to seriously downsize. What this means for y'all? A house full of gently used furniture is up for grabs! Prices are negotiable of course :) If you're interested in anything, just PM me and I'll put you in touch with her!
Sectional with chaise lounge, Khaki/light brown in color - $650
Bunk bed (futon/full bottom, twin top - with mattresses) - $200
Table and 4 chairs - $60
Two wire racks (nice for towels/bathroom storage or extra kitchen storage) - $20 for both
Microwave stand - $20
Wood/glass TV stand - $50
Two floor lamps - $20 for both
Two dressers (like from KMart - not expensive to begin with) - $25 for both
One big bookshelf - $20
One Small bookshelf - $15
A media shelf - $10
Two rolling shelves that I used for TV stands - $15 for both
An office chair on wheels - $20
A wooden rocking chair - $75
A queen size bed (mattress and box springs, less than a year old) - $250 (paid about $500 for the set and I will throw in the frame)
aaaand a Karaoke machine that needs work but was top dollar.
I also have a TV that has a dvd player in it, but the dvd player doesn't work. - $100 for both (karaoke machine was about $300 alone)
The sectional alone was $1500 when she bought it brand new less than a year ago... but she'll take $1000 if you want to take it all off of her hands. Thanks!!
EDIT Here are some pictures, sorry about the low quality.
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kmart furniture shelves video

DIY DVD Shelves - Quick and Cheap DVD Storage Shelf How To Make A 8 Cube Cubby - YouTube ORGANISATION HACKS/ Must-Have Kmart Products for Home ... KMART HOMEWARE HAUL! - YouTube Clever Storage Solution! ASMR Soft Spoken ~ Assembling Ladder Shelves ~ Southern ... DIY Glam MIrrored Console Table (Kmart Hack ) - YouTube DIY kmart cubes dollhouse conversion $200 Kmart Room Makeover - YouTube Wall Storage Shelves Ideas  Shelving Home Office

Visit Kmart today to find a great selection of shelving units. Shop online for quick delivery with 28 days return. How Kmart's shelves will be empty for TWO MONTHS after homeware ran dry during the coronavirus pandemic - because it's all made in China. Household items including cake tins, blenders and candles ... Visit Kmart today to find a great selection of shelving units. Shop online for quick delivery with 28 days return or click to collect in store. Sold by Kmart. $29.99 $22.99. Essential Home Wood and Chrome Expandable Shoe Rack. Sold by Kmart. $17.99 $16.99. Essential Home 30-Pair Standing Shoe Rack (16) Sold by Kmart. $49.99 $33.99. Essential Home 25 Pair Shoe Organizer - White . Sold by Kmart. $49.99 $33.99. Essential Home 25 Pair Shoe Organization System - White. Sold by Kmart. $49.99 $33.99. Essential Home 25 Pair Shoe Organizer ... Visit Kmart today to find a great selection of storage solutions. Shop online for quick delivery with 28 days return or click to collect in store. 4 kmart shelves/bookshelves All in good condition $50 for all 4 or $15 each Can deliver for small fee. $50. Pimpama, QLD. 8 hours ago. 4 cube storage x 2. 2 available $10 each Dimensions in photo Originally $19 each from Kmart Pickup bardon Very good condition . $10. Bardon, QLD. 9 hours ago. Kmart shelf. No longer needed, good condition. $25 Negotiable. Baulkham Hills, NSW. 15 hours ago ... Kmart has armoires to organizing your wardrobe. Store and protect your favorite clothing in a modern or classically designed armoire. Nov kmart ladder shelf black bookshelves unit white metal hack, kmart ladder shelf industrial nz assembly love these shelves and its also decked out . Pick up today at Washington Twp edit. Image Book Shelf for Living Room, Bathroom, and Kitchen Shelving, . Bookshelves , Image Plastic Book Shelves , Plastic Bookcase. From beds to storage shelves and toy boxes, grab yourself a bargain in store ... Bookshelves from Kmart are available in a range of classic and contemporary styles, so finding one that suits your home is simple. A traditional bookcase in a timeless wood finish can add beauty and functionality to a bedroom or living room. Use the adjustable shelves to find the right height for your photo frames or favorite novels. Kmart stores will restock its popular products in New South Wales and Queensland at the end of July, following a weeks of empty shelves amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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DIY DVD Shelves - Quick and Cheap DVD Storage Shelf

I've purchased a set of ladder shelves for my bathroom. Unfortunately, they require some assembly...You can find the ladder linen tower here: http://www.wa... Inexpensive DVD Storage you can build for less than $25 in just one afternoon. Have Lowes or Home Depot cut all the wood for you and just screw it together ... Make space in your home with our versatile chrome shelving unit. Buy in store or online: Diy end result of barbie dollhouse. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue This week I made a 8 Cube Cubby. This whole project only cost $30. Please subscribe to my channel so you never miss a episode. Thanks for watching! Subscribe... ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ hey friends! Sorry about the re-upload, had some technical difficulties, but I hope you still enjoy this video! ITEM LINKS: Kettl... Hi guys Today I take the Kmart console table And give it my glam touch I hope you enjoy xo 😘 Follow me on Instagram @chellesglamhome Here are my top Kmart products for home organisation! From pantry, kitchen, office, kids and bathroom!LINKS TO PRODUCTSLabels from Little Label Co (15% off: ... Office bookcases & shelving kmart. Office bookcases & filling cabinets & shelves. Ireland. Most Discuss Wall Storage Shelves Ideas. Shelving home office Most Discuss Wall Storage Shelves Ideas ... Items from my last Kmart haul are all used in this video!Hello Beautiful Internet People! 👋🏻💌 CONTACT: [email protected] along and chat to me...

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